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Roder Marquees from First Choice

Sold Marquee Poles / King Poles - Stoke-On-Trent


9.2m long with domed top, hinge-plate base
Rigging eyelets these are proper professional grade poles fabricated by Anceschi in Italy
We even have (basic) structural calculations paperwork for them.
They could be used as king-poles for a variety of marquee structures.

Domed top with 2 rigging eyelets (1 each side)
Hinged base plate with holes for 4 stakes.
22.4cm / 8 inch diameter approx
Circular steel tube, Galvanised

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Delivery notes

Collect from our yard in Stoke-on-Trent at a mutually agreeable time. We may be able to deliver but that's dependant on us having a suitable vehicle travelling in your area

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
